Putting Off A Transmission Repair? 2 Reasons Why Doing So Is A Bad Idea
ShareThe automatic transmission converts incoming power from the vehicle's engine into motion and then controls the speed and direction at which the car moves. In the course of a normal driving day, the transmission may be tasked to perform its duties dozens of times, with each instance capable of producing wear on critical components.
Unlike some other parts on the car, the transmission usually gives at least some warning before it stops working, including sluggish or noisy operation, making noises, or giving off odors. In newer vehicles, a warning light on the dash often gives drivers early information that their car's transmission is experiencing problems, yet this and other signs are often ignored.
If your car is beginning to show signs that a transmission problem is developing, here are some reasons why you should never ignore them.
It could be a simple fix
The warning light on your dashboard is typically triggered by changes detected in the transmission's internal temperature. If ignored, the transmission is at increased risk of overheating and incurring more serious damage to the gears and internal components.
Drivers are often guilty of continuing to drive the car with the warning light on for too long due to concerns that they will need to replace the entire transmission and the cost that entails.
In many cases, however, the temperature increases simply because the fluid levels have dropped, often due to a leaking seal or supply line that can be easily repaired.
Another reason for the warning light to engage is when the transmission's filter becomes clogged and fluid can no longer circulate freely to cool the interior of the component. In many cases, this will only require having the transmission serviced to install a fresh filter and new fluid, both of which are much less expensive than a new transmission.
It could make driving awkward and inconvenient
Some instances of ignoring or postponing transmission issues can lead to failure of one or more gears, leaving the car able to continue to be operational in the remaining gears. For example, the reverse gear may fail to operate, while some of the forward gears continue to work normally.
While the car is technically able to be driven, the lack of reverse could lead to many awkward or inconvenient instances related to parking the car or when trying to move from a parking spot.
Instead of ignoring signs of a looming transmission issue due to concerns about the possible cost and scope of the repair, discuss them immediately with a reputable transmission service in your area. You may be pleasantly surprised to find that keeping your car's transmission in working order may not be as costly as you fear.