Common Signs You Should Make An Appointment To Have Your Brakes Changed

23 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog


If you're operating a motor vehicle, it is absolutely essential for the brakes to be in good condition both for your safety as well as the safety of the other people on the road. While a quality set of brakes can last for a good amount of time, the brakes are constantly under stress and high heat, so they will eventually wear out and need to be replaced. The key is to know when to have your brakes changed so you can avoid damage to the brake rotors and other components of the brake system. Some signs that it is time to make an appointment to have your brakes changed include:

Brake Indicator Lights Illuminated

If you drive a newer vehicle, it may be equipped with sensors and a brake indicator light on the dashboard. When this light illuminates, it means that the sensors have determined that the brake pads have almost reached the end of their lifespan and need to be replaced. If you ever see a brake indicator light on your car's dashboard, don't ignore it or assume that it is a glitch. Having your brakes changed before the brake pad is completely gone is a lot cheaper than having repairs made to the brake system because you neglected to have your brakes changed.

Noticeable Sounds While Braking

When your car is not equipped with sensors and a brake indicator light, you will have to rely on other means to determine when it is time to change your brakes. One of the most common signs that you are in need of a brake change is a noticeable sound when you apply pressure to your car's brakes. When your car's brake pads become thin, they will usually begin to make a screeching or high pitched sound. This is the best time to make an appointment for a brake change. If you don't have the brakes changed, you may begin to hear a grinding sound-- this means that your brake pads have worn away and metal is rubbing on metal.

Jerky Braking

When you apply even pressure to your car's brakes, it should come to a smooth stop. However, when your brakes need to be changed, you will often notice that your braking becomes jerky and the car can seem to stutter as it slows down and stops completely. If you're experiencing jerky braking, don't continue to drive your car-- your best bet is to find a local auto repair shop to change your brakes.