3 Signs That Your Brakes Need Repairs

12 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog


You may not think about them often, but your brakes are one of the most important systems in your vehicle. Failure to maintain and take care of your brakes not only puts you at risk, it is also dangerous to other drivers on the road. Luckily, you don't have to try to make a guess about when your brakes needs repair-- the signs and symptoms usually make themselves known, and brakes typically don't fail over night. The following are signs that you need to visit an auto repair shop for brake repairs:

Squealing or Grinding While Braking

Brake pads are an important part of your brake system that acts as a buffer between the rotors and brake calipers. Brake pads need to be changed regularly when they wear down, and they are designed to emit a high pitched squealing sound when you are braking if they are in need of replacement. Pay attention to this sound, and have your brake pads replaced as soon as possible. If you begin to hear grinding sounds while braking, it typically means that your brake pads are completely worn out. In order to prevent damage to your rotors, which can result in a large repair bill, immediately visit an auto shop to get new brake pads.

Your Vehicle Pulls to One Side

Vehicle pulling can relate to brake problems in a few ways. One scenario is that a brake caliper is stuck on one side, which causes the car to pull in that direction. It is also possible that your brake hose may have collapsed, which can result in your brake calipers to be uneven when braking causing the vehicle to pull. Brake pads that have worn down unevenly can also cause pulling problems. There are a few other non-brake related things that can cause pulling, so it is in your best interest to visit an auto repair shop for diagnoses and repair when you have this problem.

Vibrations When Braking

A car with a good brake system should come to a stop smoothly, with minimal vibration. If you are noticing that your car has moderate to severe vibration while braking, it may be a sign that the rotors have become warped and the uneven surfaces are rubbing against the brake pads or calipers. Warped rotors can be caused by extended hard braking driving down hill, or frequent braking while towing something. Not maintaining the brake pads can also lead rotors to warp and cause vibration when braking.